Concordance of Sigla for Old Latin New Testament Manuscripts

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Vetus Latina manuscripts are identified by different sigla (letters, numbers etc.) in different editions of the New Testament.
The table below is reproduced from the Appendix of H.A.G. Houghton, The Latin New Testament: A Guide to its History, Texts, and Manuscripts (Oxford University Press, 2016). it summarises the identification of Old Latin manuscripts in the following editions:

  • The Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (NA28)
  • The United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (UBS5)
  • Constantin Tischendorf, Novum Testamentum Graece, editio octava maior (Tischendorf)
  • Jülicher, Matzkow & Aland, Itala (Itala)
  • Bonifatius Fischer, Die lateinischen Evangelien bis zum 10. Jahrhundert (Fischer)
  • Wordsworth, White et al., Novum Testamentum (Oxford Vulgate)
  • The Vetus Latina edition produced by the Vetus Latina Institute (Vetus Latina)
  • An assortment of other editions (Other)
More details of each of these editions can be found in the book mentioned above.

The major drawback with the alphabetical sigla traditionally used for Old Latin witnesses is that the series begins afresh for each portion of the New Testament: witness ‘e’ in the Gospels is not the same as witness ‘e’ in Acts or witness ‘e’ in the Pauline Epistles. To avoid confusion, the Vetus Latina register assigns each manuscript a unique number.

Because of the overlap between alphabetical sigla, it is necessary to provide an indication of the scope of each (the books of the New Testament for which they are generally cited). The abbreviations are as follows: e=Gospels; a=Acts; p=Paul; c=Catholic Epistles; r=Revelation. The † suffix indicates that the witness is missing (or only cited in) one or more books within that scope. As the manuscripts are presented in the Vetus Latina order elsewhere on this site (separate pages for Gospels and the rest of the New Testament), the table below is ordered by the alphabetical sigla. Greek letters appear in the sequence of their transliterated equivalent. A few rows have been duplicated in order to ensure that alphabetical order is broadly maintained in all columns.

NA28 UBS5 Tischendorf Itala Fischer Oxford Vulgate Vetus Latina Other Scope
a ita a a Xa a 3 Verc. e
a2 ita2 a2 a2 Xn a2 16 cur. e†
- - ambrescr - - - AM Lc e†
ar itar - - Hd D 61 arm. pr (NA);
acpr (UBS);
eapcr (VgO)
aur itaur - aur Ea aur 15 holm. e
b itb b b Xb b 4 Veron. e
b itb - - - - 89 p
β itβ - β - - 26 e†
c itc c c Xc c 6 Colb. e (NA);
ea (UBS)
- itcomp - - - - 109 compl1 p
d itd d d Xd d 5 Bez. eac†
d itd d - - d 75 Claro. p
- - δ - - δ 27 δ e
- itdem demid - - dem 59 dem. ap
- itdiv - - - div - div. pcr
- - - - Ed durmach - durm. e
e ite e e Xe e 2 Palat. e
e ite e - - e 50 laud. a
- - e - - e 76 germ. p
f itf f f Jg f 10 Brix. e
f itf f - - f 78 Aug. p
ff itff ff - - ff 66 Corb. c†
ff1 itff1 ff1 ff1 Xo ff1 9 Corb. e†
ff2 itff2 ff2 ff2 Xf ff2 8 Corb. e
g itg g - - g 77 Boern. p
g1 itg1 g1 g1 Pg g1, G 7 germ./
- - g2 - Bg g2

29 germ./
- - g2 - - g2 52 a
- - gat - Bt gat 30 gat. e
gig itgig g - - gig 51 gig. ar (NA, UBS);
ear (VgO)
gue itgue gue - - gue 79 guelf. p†
h ith h h Xh h 12 Claro. e†
h ith reg - - h 55 ac†r
- - - - - haf - r
z itz harl - - Z 65 harl. p†c† (NA);
p†c†r (UBS, VgO)
aur itaur - aur Ea aur 15 holm. e
i iti i i Xi i 17 Vind. e†
j itj z j Xj j 22, 22A Sarz. e†
k itk k k Xk k 1 Bob. e†
l itl l l Xl l 11 Rehd. e
l itl - - - - 67 leg. ac†
- - - - Sl - 91, 133 leg2 eapcr
- - - - - - 92 leg3 eapcr
λ itλ - λ - - 44 e†
m itmon - - - - 86 p†
- - m - - m PS-AU spe spec. eapcr
μ itμ - μ - - 45 e†
μ itμ - - - - 82 p†
n itn n n Xn n 16 e†
o ito o o - o 16 e†
- ito - - - - PEL[1] p
p itp p p Xp p 20 e†
p itp - - - p 54 a (NA, UBS);
ac (VgO)
p - - - - p 80 p†
- itph - - - - 63 a†
π itπ - π Xw - 18 e†
- itφ - - Xp - 43 e†
q itq q q Xq q 13 mon. e
r itr - - - - 57 a
r itr r, r2, r3 - - r 64 frising. p†
r itq q - - r 64 frising. c†
r1 itr1 r r1 Xr r1 14 Uss. e
- - - - Hg r2 28 Uss.2 e
- itro - - - R 62 a
ρ itρ - ρ - 24 e†
ρ itρ - - - - 88 p†
s its s s Xs s 21 e†
s its s - - s 53 ac†
- its - - - - 87 p†
- itsa - - - - 60 a
sin itsin - - - - 74 ar
t itt t t Xt t 19 Bern. e†
t[2] itt - - - t 56 apcr
v itv - - - v 81 p†
- itv v v Xv v 25 Vind. e†
w itw - - - - 58 a
w itw gue lect - Gw - 32 c†
- - x1 - - O - a
- - x2, laud - - O - p
z itz harl - - Z 65 harl. p†c† (NA);
p†c†r (UBS, VgO)
- - - 23 - - 23 e†
- - - - Hm, Hn - 35 mull. e†
- - - - Jc - 33 e†
- - - - Xu - 41 e†

[1] In UBS5, ito in the Pauline Epistles indicates the lemma text of Oxford, Balliol College, MS 157.

[2] In NA28, the siglum t denotes the printed edition of the Liber Comicus rather than any single manuscript.