Corrections/Alterations to a printed edition
04 (Codex Veronensis) and Buchanan
The original file marking differences between Buchanan's transcription and ours became corrupted. The present file lists only those differences between the transcriptions which were recorded as footnotes.
John 1:7 - For eū̇, Buchanan reads eum
John 1:10 - For cognouit, Buchanan reads cognobit·
John 1:11 - Buchanan reads the whole word in
John 1:13 - For sanguine, Buchanan reads sanguinib ·
John 1:17 - For autē̇, Buchanan reads autem
John 1:18 - For enarrauit, Buchanan reads enarrabit
John 1:29 - For uidet, Buchanan reads uidit
John 1:30 - For quoniam, Buchanan reads quonia̅
John 1:31 - For eū̇, Buchanan reads eum
John 1:40 - For iohanne, Buchanan reads iohanne̅
John 1:42 - For eū̇, Buchanan reads eum
John 1:49 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after istrahel
John 2:3 - For habent, Buchanan reads habent fili
John 2:10 - For uinum, Buchanan reads binum
John 2:15 - For oues, Buchanan reads obes
John 2:23 - After faciebat, Buchanan reads the punctuation ·
John 3:1 - For farisaeis, Buchanan reads pharisaeis
John 3:7 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after tibi
John 3:7 - After denuo, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 3:14 - After sic, Buchanan adds et
John 3:15 - For omnis, Buchanan reads omnes
John 3:15 - Buchanan reads the whole word uitam
John 3:24 - For nondū̇, Buchanan reads non[dum]
John 3:24 - Buchanan reads the whole word iohannis
John 3:33 - Buchanan reads the whole word signauit
John 3:35 - After eius, Buchanan reads the punctuation ·
John 4:5 - For [fi]lio, Buchanan reads [fili]o
John 4:6 - In this verse, Buchanan reads:
iacob · for [iaco]b ·
[Ih̅s i]gitur for [Ih̅s] igitur
fa / [ti]gatus (with a line break) for fati / [g]atus.
John 4:10 - For qui, Buchanan reads [q]ui
John 4:11 - For illi, Buchanan reads ei
John 4:11 - For u̅de, Buchanan reads unde
John 4:12 - For [hunc], Buchanan reads [hoc]
John 4:13 - For [om]nis qui bib[e]rit, Buchanan reads o[m]nis qui biberit.
John 4:23 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after hora
John 4:28 - For Reliquit, Buchanan reads reliquid
John 4:38 - For lasborastis, Buchanan reads laborastis
John 4:41 - After crediderunt, Buchanan adds illi
John 4:47 - After incipiebat, Buchanan adds eni̅
John 5:4 - For aquā̇, Buchanan reads aqua
John 5:5 - For ·xxx et uiii ·, Buchanan reads ·xxx · et ·uiii ·
John 5:9 - For grabattum, Buchanan reads grauattum
John 5:14 - Buchanan reads sanus factus es, with no correction noted
John 5:22 - After filio, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 5:24 - For transit de morte, Buchanan reads transiit de morte̅
John 5:30 - After uoluntatem, Buchanan adds ea̅ with underdots for deletion
John 5:36 - For eā̇, Buchanan reads ea
John 5:39 - For ipsae, Buchanan reads ipse
John 6:18 - For ualdissimo, Buchanan reads ualidissimo
John 6:30 - At the beginning of
John 6:30, Buchanan reads no space or capital letter D
John 6:31 - For manducauerunt, Buchanan reads manducaberunt
John 6:33 - Buchanan reads mu̅do (with no line break?)
John 6:34 - For Dicit, Buchanan reads Dixit
John 7:25 - For occidere, Buchanan reads occideret with the t underdotted
John 7:30 - Buchanan reads as follows:
dere et nemo / misit manu̅ / manus iniecitJohn 7:32 - For farisae, Buchanan reads farisaei
John 7:38 - For aquae, Buchanan reads atquae, with a deletion point under the t
John 7:39 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after nondum
John 8:40 - For occidere, Buchanan reads hoccidere
John 8:42 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after processi
John 8:47 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after estis
John 8:48 - Buchanan gives the line division as daemo/nium
John 9:6 - Buchanan reads the whole of expuit in the last line of column 1.
John 9:16 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after obserbat
John 9:19 - For interrogauerunt, Buchanan reads interrogaberunt
John 9:28 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after sumus
John 9:35 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after ei
John 9:40 - Buchanan has the line division dix/erunt
John 10:9 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after exiet
John 10:18 - After patre, Buchanan adds meo
John 10:24 - In John 10:24, Buchanan does not note correction
John 11:1 - Buchanan reads bethania̅: we cannot confirm the ̅
John 11:11 - For dormit, Buchanan reads dormiit
John 11:14 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after manifeste
John 11:32 - After meus, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 13:11 - After omnes, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 13:34 - For nouum, Buchanan reads nobum
John 14:31 - Buchanan has the line division diligo / patrem
John 15:26 - For e[rgo ue], Buchanan reads ergo [ue]
John 16:1 - For scan[dalize]mini, Buchanan reads scan[dali]zemini
John 16:8 - For iusti[tia], Buchanan reads iustit[ia]
John 16:20 - After gaudebit, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 16:21 - For [u]enit, Buchanan reads uenit
John 16:28 - Buchanan omits the punctuation after mu̅dum
John 17:3 - For m[i]sisti, Buchanan reads misisti · (adding punctuation)
John 17:11 - For hi, Buchanan reads hii
John 17:23 - For e[t me], Buchanan reads sicut et tu [me]
John 18:5 - The first two lines of this column (nazoreum ... ego) were visible to Buchanan in their entirety.
John 18:14 - For [u]num, Buchanan reads un[u̅]
John 18:21 - Buchanan reads the whole line, cutus sum
John 18:23 - For perhibe, Buchanan reads [pe]rhibe
John 18:39 - Buchanan reads pascha uultis, omitting the punctuation ·
John 19:6 - For eu[ ̄̇], Buchanan reads e[u̅]
John 19:7 - For di̅, Buchanan reads dii
John 19:15 - After caesarem, Buchanan has the punctuation ·
John 19:25 - After magdalene, Buchanan has the punctuation ·
John 19:32 - For [mi]lites, Buchanan reads [m]ilites
John 19:39 - For aloes, Buchanan reads aloin
John 19:41 - For nouū̇, Buchanan reads nobu̅
John 20:4 - For prio[r], Buchanan reads prior
John 20:7 - For su[p]er, Buchanan reads super
John 20:15 - For hortulanus, Buchanan reads ortulanus
John 20:16 - After maria, Buchanan omits the punctuation
John 20:16 - For [ma]gister ·, Buchanan reads [m]agister ·
John 20:22 - For insufflauit, Buchanan reads insufflabit
John 20:31 - For cred[en]tes, Buchanan reads cre[den]tes
John 21:2 - For [a], Buchanan reads a
John 21:9 - Buchanan has the line division carbones / incensos et pis
John 21:10 - For prendi[di]stis, Buchanan reads prendidistis
John 21:12 - After est, Buchanan adds the punctuation ·
John 21:14 - For resur / rexit, Buchanan has the line division re / surrexit
John 21:17 - For petr[us quia], Buchanan reads petru[s quia]