This interface comprises apparatus and transcriptions made towards the Novum Testamentum Graecum Editio Critica Maior (ECM) of the Gospel according to John. It also includes links to data from related projects, including the Vetus Latina Iohannes, the Gospel according to John in the Byzantine Edition, John's Gospel: The Coptic Translations of its Greek Text and A Textual Study of Family 1 in John.
Apparatus informationTo view an apparatus, please choose one from the Select Apparatus box above. An overtext will then load, from which the entry for a particular chapter and verse may be selected from further drop-down menus. The sigla of the witnesses are linked to the corresponding verse in the transcription files. Clicking on a siglum will open the full transcription in a separate window.
Where a manuscript has been corrected, the first-hand reading is indicated by the addition of a * following the siglum. The corrector's reading is indicated by the suffix C. Where different correctors have been identified, they may be indicated by alternative suffixes, such as C1 or C2. A first-hand correction is indicated by C*. The addition of S to the siglum indicates that this is a supplement, copied at a different time to the rest of the manuscript.
The apparatus for the majuscule edition corresponds to that of the printed edition (2007). The transcriptions to which it links, however, have been updated as part of further work on the ECM. The Vetus Latina synopsis corresponds to the latest version of the transcriptions presented on this website. The apparatus and linked transcriptions for the Byzantine edition (2007) and the Family 1 edition (2013) are in self-contained sites, in order to correspond to the editions at the time of their publication: in the case of these two editions, there may be some display issues with browsers other than Firefox.
Transcription informationTo view a transcription, please select one from the relevant drop-down menus above. This will load an HTML version which is optimised for viewing in a web-browser. A link to the corresponding XML file is provided in the header. The transcription header also gives information about the manuscript (where this is provided in the transcription), which may include links to the online version of the Kurzgefasste Liste and the Trismegistos catalogue (Leuven Database of Ancient Books). A drop-down menu allows users to navigate to a specific page of the manuscript, while entering chapter and verse numbers in the free-text entry boxes and clicking 'Go' will take users to the corresponding verse of John (if it is present in that transcription). A link to an image of each page, where provided, is indicated by a camera symbol: 📷. Clicking on this will open the image in a new, dedicated image window.
Further details about items in the transcription are provided by means of hover-over boxes, which appear when the cursor is placed on the relevant text. Verse numbers and line numbers in grey have been added for the purposes of the edition. In addition, the following conventions are observed in the transcriptions:
The transcription and apparatus files are in Unicode. We recommend the free Gentium font for Greek and the free Antinoou font for Coptic.
In most cases, the raw XML files are available for download either from a link on this website or from the University of Birmingham Institutional Research Archive. Most of the transcriptions are encoded according to version 1.5 of the IGNTP XML specifications and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence for re-use (CC BY).
Interface version 2.2, last changed 14.12.2023 (History).
Contributors and Acknowledgments.
These pages are hosted by the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing at the University of Birmingham.